I will attend the Dagstuhl Seminar 22272 – Eat-IT: Interactive Food. Thank you organizers’ invitation.
Talk title
Understanding the design of Playful Gusotsonic Experiences
Prior human-computer interaction research shows that overlaying sounds to eating can change how people experience food, affecting how and what we eat. However, how to design such gustosonic experiences – referring to multisensory interactions between sounds and the act of eating/drinking – is not well understood. In this talk, I introduce my three gustosonic systems to arrive at the understanding of the design of playful gustosonic experiences, in particular the design of “sonic straws” which is straws that can play personalized notes. This work advances interaction design theory by contributing to the enrichment of eating/drinking through playful design, furthering the future of food experience.
Masahiko Inami (University of Tokyo, JP)
Sohyeong Kim (Stanford University, US)
Florian Floyd Mueller (Monash University, AU)
Marianna Obrist (University College London, GB)
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